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SSDC Sunday 2/4/2024 WCS Workshops & Social Dance: Wren Newman & Scot McKay with DJ Scot

  • Seattle Swing Dance Club 4736 40th Avenue Southwest Seattle, WA, 98116 United States (map)

Swing through the Seattle Swing Dance Club (SSDC) for West Coast Swing (WCS) with local teacher favorites, free 1- hour beginner lesson, and Westie social dancing!

  • Two workshops with Wren Newman & Scot McKay

  • FREE one-hour newcomer lesson with Alfred Hellstern: invite your friends & family to start or learn the opposite role if you know WCS basics

  • Three hours of social dancing with DJ Scot

SCHEDULE: Sunday, FEBRUARY 4Th, 2024

3:30 pm Register, warm up, and set up

4:00 pm Intermediate WCS Workshop w/ Wren & Scot: using momentum and energy

5:00 pm All Levels WCS Workshop w/ Wren & Scot: style up your basics

5:30 pm FREE 1 Hour Beginner Lesson w/ Alfred (upstairs):

6:00 pm Social dance starts w/ DJ Scot

9:00 pm Clean up


Dance admission included with purchase of 1 or more workshop! We also honor affiliated swing club memberships! Credit card, cash, or check on-site only. See below how it pays to be a Swing Dance Club Member!

$30 Two 1-hour workshops
$20 One 1-hour workshops
$10 Dance

$35 Two 1-hour workshops
$25 One 1-hour workshops
$15 Dance
$0 Qualifying WSDC All Stars and recent SSDC staff get free dance admission


Your support of the 100% volunteer-run club for just an hour gets you into the dance for FREE! Thank you for your time and effort for our 501(c)(3) organization.

January 21

SSDC Sunday 1/21/2024 WCS Workshops, Social Dance & Competitions: Portland’s Trina Siebert, DJ Katia Rar, with Newcomer & Novice Jack & Jills

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SSDC Sunday 2/18/2024 WCS Workshops & Social Dance: Kate Garboden with DJ Henry Phan