VOLUNTEER: Your support of the 100% volunteer-run club for just an hour gets you into the dance for FREE! Sign up for a volunteer slot here.
Swing on through to join The Club for two great workshops with Angei & Soleman and fun social dancing with DJ Soleman! RSVP on SignUpGenius or Facebook.
*2-3:30 pm -- Special Workshop: How to Tandem Lead/Follow (One Leader + 2 Followers)
4:00 pm -- Hammerlocks: Not just for the WWE
5:00 pm -- Something for everyone.. but you gotta #getoclass
6-6:30 pm -- FREE Beginner Lesson w/ Scot McKay (upstairs)
FIRST-TIME FREE beginner lesson *and* dance
RETURNING FREE beginner lesson w/ paid dance admission (see Pricing below)
6-9:30 pm -- Social Dance w/ DJ Soleman
PRICING: Dance admission included with purchase of 1 or more workshop! Credit card, cash, or check.
All 3 workshops $40 (incl. dance)
*$20 - Special Workshop only + dance
$20 - 2 workshops and dance
$15 - 1 workshop and dance
$7 - dance only
All 3 workshops $50 (incl. dance)
*$25 - Special Workshop only + dance
$25 - 2 workshops and dance
$20 - 1 workshop and dance
$11 - dance only
Photo Credit: Felix Huang