Please join The Club at Phinney Center Community Hall to kick off Easter Swing 2019 Ticket Tournament Weekend with Canadian Swing Champions Myles Munroe & Tessa Cunningham-Munroe featuring a Social Dancers' Intensive!
2018 Ticket Tourney videos & pictures can be found here
DETAILS: Please note there is no event scheduled at Alki Masonic Lodge this weekend.
Friday February 1, 2019
Phinney Center Community Hall
Room 7 in blue building
7:10-7:30 pm Registration/Check-In/Warm-Up
7:30-10:30 pm Social Dancer Survivability and Desirability
No Social DanceSaturday February 2, 2019: Ticket Tournament Saturday Competitors’ Intensive, Dance & Comps
🛠FRIDAY NIGHT INTENSIVE: Social Dancer Survivability & Desirability
7:10-7:30 pm Friday Registration & Warm Up
7:30-10:30 pm Friday Social Dancers’ Intensive
As a social dancer, two things at the top of your wish list are:
👉You want to be a more sought after dance partner. To make your partners happy so they seek you out to dance with more often.
👉You want to know how to survive dance partners who have challenging habits. You need compensation skills so you can adapt to any level/type of dancer and still have a great dance.
Sound about right?
Good thing we are kinda experts in these departments….😉
Here’s what we’re going to do with you on Friday:
The SDSD will focus on upgrading your partnership skills so you know and can feel exactly what will make you irresistible to dance partners, and stocking your pantry of adaptation tools so you can have amazing dances with any partner, on demand. Oh and we’ll throw in a few essential safe social tricks for dessert. 🍨
PRICING: It saves to be an SSDC Member - sign up for membership discounts here. We honor affiliated swing dance club memberships too!
SINGLE INTENSIVE PRICING (Friday or Saturday only):
$55 SSDC or Affiliated Member
$70 Guests/Non-Members
$100 SSDC or Affiliated Member
$130 Guests/Non-Members
Photo Credit: Canadian Swing Champions